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Hampshire Mediation Solutions: Resolving Conflicts In The Family, Employment and Your Community

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hms_arcsSince 1994, Hampshire Mediation has helped clients resolve their issues arising from conflicts involving family law and guardianship matters, employment disputes, contractual and land disputes. Mediating with Hampshire Mediation is a superior to going to court in that:

  • It is  less Expensive  than using the courts to resolve issues;
  • The resolutions are fair for each person or entity;
  • Mediation is less time consuming for you  and full settlements are much  quicker to achieve;
  • Those involved  feel much more positive about  mediated settlements than with traditional litigation
  • A comprehensive mediation settlement addresses  concerns with an eye to your present and future needs;
An experienced and knowledgeable mediator guides you through a process that gives you control over the results.  After settlement is reached, the mediator will draft an agreement for you that may be filed in court or with any administrative body.

A Full Service Mediation Firm

Excellent Mediation Services provides you with:

  • Convenient after or before work hour appointments;
  • On line and telephone communication if needed;
  • Access to professional tax, financial planning, and child development associates;
  • Drafting of a full court agreement and relevant court papers so your agreement becomes binding.

Your Cost Savings Now and in Future Years

Mediation is less expensive than traditional litigation. In choosing to mediate you will save money because:

  • There is no large initial retainer , instead you pay as you go to each individual session;
  • You benefit from just one  neutral  who offers years of legal experience and is knowledgeable of the surrounding courts' requirements;
  • Settlements are made much more quickly than going to court, and so are more affordable to reach;
  • A comprehensive mediated agreement allows for wiser financial planning and savings for the present and future.
  • You avoid traditional litigation costs such as costly discovery, motions and trial work.
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Conveniently Located

We are conveniently located in the center
of Amherst, MA.

Our address is:

30 Boltwood Walk
Amherst, MA 01002
(413) 253-6600

Parking readily available in the nearby municipal lot.

Quicklinks to Services

Find out about our services:


"Attorney Daniell guided us through tensions and we were able to come out with an agreement that was really good for our children.

Call For An Appointment

Call us today and schedule an apppointment with Attorney Daniell to discuss your needs...

(413) 253-6600

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